2021 – Day 2 – Dr. Terri Massie-Burrell & Dayna Geary

Accommodating Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies to Support Service Providers

Presented by Dr. Terri Massie-Burrell & Dayna Geary

Sponsored by Robert H. Smith School of Business

Date and Time

2021 Disability Summit
April 13, 2021 – 3:30 PM-4:00 PM

Presentation Materials

Presentation slides: PDF



A university disability services office shares how they worked together to create an effective workflow to appropriately provide access in crisis for students remotely during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The value standard was managing self and others during an unprecedented stressful time. Sharing how lessons learned through this experience have prepared us to deal with urgent, unexpected circumstances to serve a diverse population of students with disabilities. We will share best practices to serve our students during an unexpected shift to online classes and remote services. Strategies implemented on our initial day of teleworking with purposeful revisions over time. SDS staff band together and strengthened relationships with campus partners that will forever add to our approach as student affairs professionals.


  • How our experiences can inform our colleagues so they can attend to personal needs while providing support services in their unique roles
  • Overview of our Action Research as seen through Kurt Lewin’s 3 Step Model of Change
  • How our experiences shaped our interactions with and support of one another, while facilitating accommodations for students with disabilities

About the Speakers

Dr. Terri Massie-Burrell (she/her)

Dr. Massie-Burrell is the Director of Student Disability Services-Homewood. She provides oversight of the office so accommodations are appropriately implemented based on Federal and institutional guidelines. Ensures needed connections with faculty, teaching assistants, and staff to support students in and outside of the classroom. Massie-Burrell brings over 25 years of experience in higher education at a variety of institutional types. She has held positions as both administrator and faculty member to help college students achieve their ideal academic and career goals. Massie-Burrell earned her doctorate in Counseling and Personnel Services at the University of Maryland.

Contact Information:

Twitter: @jhudisabilityserviceshwd
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terri-massie-burrellphd-53407447/
Email: tmassie1@jhu.edu

Including Disability Logo.

Dayna Geary (she/her)

Dayna Geary is the Assistant Director of Student Disability Services-Homewood. She ensures timely and reasonable delivery of accommodations. She also serves as the Coordinator for the Workforce Recruitment Program, a federal program aimed to connect students with government job opportunities. She brings over ten years of experience working in higher education and student support, including direct service to underserved student populations through federal TRIO programs, academic tutoring, and clinical mental health counseling. Geary earned her Master’s in Counseling at Shippensburg University.

Contact Information:

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dayna-geary-8b70499a/
Email: dgeary2@jhu.edu

Including Disability Logo.